Here is some meatspace muck for Thursday!

Every so often I post some snippets from my meatspace (real life) journals. Here is an excerpt from notes that I was taking, observing a documentary on the Mexican Revolution of 1810 and the horrible working conditions that caused it.

The mother sits with her two children, the littler one laying on his stomach with no pants. The mother wears a head cover for the heat.

There is a field boy bringing food to the workers. If the workers did well, they got to carry the water for irrigation.

The workers were whipped.They were clubbed if they raised their heads from their work.

They were murdered for talking back.

They were paid fifty centavos per day at first, then fifteen centavos per day. A loaf of bread was one centavo.

When the revolution started, peons were branded so they could not run off to another sugar plantation.

The government had no effect on the rich European land owners.

The chop, chop, chang of the sugar cane rang through the fields; filling the worker’s heads day in and out.

Hope you enjoyed.








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