Prose, Poetry, and Pictures

  • The Summer Faire in Cobblestern Market

    All the roads run parallel in the Berzin Straight and are fastened from the slick-black pebbles that bed the Salted Sea. Their dark surface vacillates under the heated nausea of a summer’s day, so from the apartments above you can imagine yourself drifting down Black’s River. Each road is separated from its neighbor’s by towering…

  • About last night…

    The man marches to the bedside table and tears open the drawer. “Is this what you want Jadyn?” “No!” she shrieks. Her face is wet and burst vessels in her cheeks paint her whole face a painful red. “No! Owen, no! Please!” Owen hefts a steel pistol from the drawer and raises it to his…

  • Hell Fire on the Mississippi

    Dick saw the boats first and called out in his high weasel’s voice, “Der! Mista’ Sho’man! Deres dem hell fires sho’!” Sherman yanked up the reins on his courser and blocked the sun from his eyes as he looked up river. At first his eyes were thin and still, and the boys began talking low…

  • But now I depart from the comfortable realm of earthly reality into dizzying insanity…

    Here is a scene sketch I put together for you this evening. Enjoy, and thank you for reading. I saw a young girl in the center of Tulan Square just before midnight. She had black horse hair, knotted into braids on either side of her round olive face. Her eyes flashed silver in the light…

  • As you escape on highway 92…

    I wanted to play a little bit with POV this morning. Enjoy. A dark brown universe becomes an atoll in a sea of candy cane stripes. You are jogging. Each step bobbles your jaw and claps your teeth together. There is blue and screams behind you. No clouds. No moon. You jog on. Your red…

  • New Masters Academy coming soon →

  • 60 second prompt: Metro

    On the metro, the five-line, I hit a cool breeze, seven-foot tall and made of fine china. I meet a diva, a goddess, something outside the line, outside the cement and the metro.

  • Midnight in Barcelona

    I wrote this story sketch for you today about a group of young men who roam the midnight streets of Barcelona in hopes of discovering a good time. Enjoy! Last year, me and Saul and Quinton and a bunch of other school kids went on a European tour chaperoned by Mr. Matis, you know mister…

  • A column of opaque smoke rose from her upturned lips like a foul-scented genie…

    Here is a new scene sketch I wrote this morning about some friends around a campfire. Enjoy. The night bugs trilled in their bushes and the moist air collected on my back. Sierra stirred her Jack and Coke with a bubblegum-pink nail; she smiled, guided a strain of hair from her face, and laughed at…

  • Mr. Padilla, you're daughter's told us you're hurt. Are you able to unlock this door? Are you having an emergency?

    Here is a scene sketch I wrote this morning. Enjoy! — “Dad they’re here. Dad they’re here, get up.” Knock—knock—knock—“Mr. Padilla?” “Tell them to go.” Knock—knock—knock—“Mr. Padilla, your daughter’s told us you’re hurt. Are you able to unlock this door? Are you having an emergency?” “Dad!” “Don’t touch it!” The fan spins. The floor is…