Prose, Poetry, and Pictures

  • Writing Prompt: write a fantasy story in 1k words or less

    Here is my response to the writing prompt: write a fantasy story in 1,000 words or less. I had a lot of condensing to do after the first draft. It was a fun exercise in evoking a rich world with very little space to do it in. I hope you enjoy! The Legend of Giltiberim There…

  • Spaghetti Dinner

    It was evening in the Mullingham household and Abraham and Moira Mullingham had just sat down to a dinner of hot spaghetti noodles drenched in a pungent tomato sauce, a dish Moira’s father had taught her to make in her youth, which she took great pride in serving. Abraham, a heavy-set, light skinned man who…

  • Elephants and Lambs, a short story

    I watched the two of them in the window on the second story of the Hotel Petr. The white crosses on the window only partially obscured them. Dominika’s hat was pulled low in an attempt to disguise her face, but she was unmistakable. The Russian general Igorek stood over her, huge and hideous, holding her…

  • One Novel, Coming Right Up!

    I’m officially writing a fantasy novel this November during @NaNoWriMo. #NaNoPrep. Stay tuned for updates!

  • Sci Fi Scene Prompt with Storyboard

    On Saturday Aug 26, 4014, at the hands of her most creative and intelligent inhabitant, Earth succumbs to Man’s destructive nature. The first bombs erupt near the great lakes, spreading a peeling fire across Earth’s western cheek. Flares of white light leak out of the atmosphere as bomb after bomb hit their mark. Black clouds bloom over…

  • Martin Luther King Jr.'s Democratic Synthesis: United Americanism?

    The following article was originally published on NationofChange, on Friday April 4th, 2014, and can be read here. “Communism forgets that life is individual. Capitalism forgets that life is social. And the kingdom of brotherhood is neither in the thesis in communism nor the antithesis of capitalism, but lies in a higher synthesis. […] The…

  • sheouit

    Caleb Jacobo. (1988–PRESENT).  Initial Draft. Public Writing Journal.  2014. sheouit sheouit, read by Caleb Jacobo at fifty feet above the field She rose; somewhere stooped aloof martin breached His bush. Then at ten feet Her dented sepals spread; so There in His bush martin hid His eyes. Then at five feet She spoke invitingly; so from There martin…

  • Tee Time Speech

    Since 2006, Death has visited my personal relations several times. First, my mother and step-father by car. Next, my aunt by lightning, shortly followed by my grandfather in despair. I watched my grandmother die in poverty and now her son, my dear uncle, too soon in illness. Until Friday the 22nd, at my uncle’s funeral,…

  • Observations on responding to violence with nonviolence

    […] Point is, the violence attracted to violence, and even when violence comes into contact with innocence, if there is no reciprocation, there is no continuation or inflammation of violence. This means an accident—a casualty, a mistake—if these are reciprocal, then the violence is inflamed—it metamorphoses, evolves—to a committed violence that poses more danger to…

  • Journal Entry Jan 18 2014

    The following is an excerpt from my meatspace journal: Dramatic Irony, the art of reflective literature, is a vehicle that allows the reader to experience an orchestrated set of events that forces them to be uncomfortable enough to say, “If only…” (“If only the protagonist made this choice, or saw this action, or heard this…